Minggu, 28 Juni 2020

The Experience of Doctor Galih Puspitasari After Isolation at Blora District Hospital

INFOKU, BLORA = Doctor Galih Puspitasari delivered testimony after undergoing treatment and was declared cured of Covid-19. He is a doctor at RSUD Dr. R Soetijono Blora who was intentionally presented by Blora Regent Djoko Nugroho to convey his experiences and messages to the community members in a press conference at the media center of the Covid-19 Blora District Coordination Task Force (GTPP) Blora regency, Monday (22/22) 6/2020).
"Let me introduce myself, doctor Galih Puspitasari, who has been busy reporting on social media, online media about medical staff at Blora District Hospital affected by Covid-19," he said opening the event.
According to him, it is true, that at first had a high fever above 40 degrees which was initially tired.
"I think it's because of exhaustion, but after I lived it last night, I was taking medication to reduce fever, but it's still high," he said.

Then, because he felt that he was at high risk as a medical worker who received PDP each time, even though the patient was not clear, the swab was negative or positive.
"But that PDP means that it has headed to Covid-19 so I have to treat myself as a Covid-19 patient too," he explained.
He was immediately isolated in the house, in the room, so as not to contact with family because inside the house the contents were all over 60 years old.
"So I feel that everyone is at risk of contracting. To minimize all that, during the first day of fever until the third day, I was in the room all the time, until I was stated to be hospitalized, "he said.
From the results of the first lab, he continued, lymphocytopenia and mild thrombocytopenia. Then the result of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) risk is being Covid-19. The results of the first chest X-ray are still within normal limits.
"Then a chest CT scan was performed, it turned out to be very typical to lead to Covid-19, namely the presence of ground glass opacity. That's very typical for Covid-19, "he explained.
Furthermore, along with the preparation of Blora Hospital isolation room, he was asked to be hospitalized. It is indeed a harsh decision to be hospitalized in the isolation room because you have to go to the hospital alone in a room that is 3 X 5 meters in size, without air conditioning, because it has to be negatively pressured so that the air does not spread everywhere.
1000 Facial Diseases
"I was hospitalized for about 11 days, and my total fever for 10 days. Feeling sad, disappointed there must be, humane, but I don't think it should dissolve at all. I have to get up, I have to keep eating even though I'm sick. So my symptoms are only fever and nausea. There is no shortness of breath, sore throat and cough, "he said.
He said that Covid-19 is called 1,000 facial diseases. So, there are patients whose complaints are fever and nausea turned out to be a positive swab. Or not even as symptomatic but the swab is positive.
"Because of this disease 1,000 faces are able to stick to a receptor that is familiar with Covid-19. And it is in almost the entire body, "he said.
If it sticks to the eyes, then the symptoms will stick to the eyes as well as when stuck to the respiratory tract or the digestive tract with symptoms of diarrhea. Including in the skin, the typical symptoms also exist in the skin.
"So this is called one thousand faces disease," he said.
It's so difficult to make a diagnosis because of 1,000 faces, so sometimes even though the rapid test is non-reactive, it is positive swab. That will often happen, because the rapid determination of antibodies in the patient is determined.
"At that time my rapid was nonreactive, I was checked for rapid on the eighth day. It's in accordance with the theory, which of course has formed antibodies, but why am I non-reactive, the possibility of my body not forming antibodies, the possibility of the condition of the body dropping so that a perfect antibody has not yet formed and cannot be detected by the tool as a reactive result, "he continued.
During his isolation hospitalization, he said, thank God he received positive support from friends and the community.
"That's because my friend is a medical worker, it might be different from ordinary people," he said.
He said, Covid-19 was not a social disease, it was an infusion of disease that could affect anyone. Indeed the highest risk is medical personnel and people who are in close contact with the public, for example Sat Pol PP, public service officers at banks, in the market.
"That's a high risk," he said.
Therefore, he added, the public was asked not to consider social stigma, so do not be afraid to be diagnosed with Covid-19 when sick.
"Follow the flow, follow all examinations as directed by the examining doctor," he said.
If, for example, Covid-19 is diagnosed earlier, the therapy and life expectancy will be better, rather than refusing. If it hurts, he said, consider ourselves Covid-19 because this is a pandemic era.
"Because this is not a social disease that must be ostracized, it should even be expelled, although thank God I did not experience it that way," he said.
However, he was quite moved and shuddered when reading the news that there was a positive that Covid-19 was expelled. There is a positive Covid-19, vegetable artisans do not want to go home.
"During my isolation at home, my family also experienced quarantine. Alhamdulillah, the vegetable seller is still passing by, "he explained.
Buy it, a vegetable handyman is in front of a neighbor's house a little distance away, then the delivery will be put on the fence, and with the right money.
"Thank God, for me there is no negative stigma or my family, but it is enough to creep with the news that many people are stigmatized," he said.
The emergence of this stigma, according to him, makes people reluctant, ashamed or afraid of being diagnosed by Covid-19.
Swab Test results twice
He explained, after undergoing hospitalization, he underwent independent isolation for 14 days until it was stated that the results of the swab test were consecutive negative.
"The total swab that I did for 67 days, as many as 10 times swab test. Had a feeling, why not heal, why doesn't this virus get out of my body, "he explained.
Responding to that condition, he had read the theory, the possibility that the body of the virus that was still left and the dead virus, was still left in the body.
"Even though the theory is not infection, but I still adhere to the protocol that I must be self-isolated until it is declared negative twice in a row. We do not know, the creature is small, we do not know will infect around, "he said.
He urged the people, every one of them, to deal with this problem peacefully because this pandemic was our problem, the problem of the whole world.
"Face it calmly, don't panic. Because if we panic we will be easily provoked. Face it brilliantly, every time you read the news, read carefully, the source is true or not. Or ask the news disseminator. Where do you get this from, "he said.
If you have Covid-19 and are currently in the hospital, please be patient.
"Ridho will be determined by God. Because I believe this is part of His provision. I became a Covid-19 patient because I was chosen from God Almighty to be a Covid-19 patient, "he explained.
Next is sincere. Because with sincerity we will be able to deal with it well. With enthusiasm, do not be easily dissolved in sadness.
"Life must go on. Life goes on. Covid-19 can be cured, in fact I recover after various conditions, fever, weakness, nausea. Alhamdulillah, I was declared healed as of June 16, 2020 from the negative results of the swab, "he said.
If someone dies, he said, because there are accompanying diseases that can easily reduce our immune system or immune system.
"So to fight viruses that are new in this world, need extra immune cells. That is why many patients died diagnosed with Covid-19, "said doctor Galih.
He emphasized that this Covid-19 is real, not a writing, not a news, but Covid-19 is real.
"Not made for a purpose, but the real existence, I was exposed to Covid-19 and thank God healed," he said.
New Normal New Life Order
For the community, in this new normal era, there is no need to dissolve in confusion and sadness. That is, he said, in the midst of a pandemic it still had to be active. Whatever positive activities that can be done.
"But this new normal doesn't mean it's normal. But living in life with a new normal order, "he explained.
Namely by wearing a mask, washing hands with soap or hand sanitizer, keep a distance when facing, about 1 to 1.5 meters. Then physical / social distancing, exercise, balanced nutritional intake, adequate rest and stress management.
"Because stress decreases immunity," he said.
Then stay at home. If there is no urgent need to leave the house except to work or buy necessities that are indeed urgent, stay at home.
"Especially those who have comorbidities, and children and the elderly," he added. (aaaaendah / KOM)
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